“I don’t mind paying for all that stuff. I think the money should be put into areas that require more attention, like the REC center. I think that’s important to have a stress reliever. I go every once and a while to run, just to relieve stress. I would say maybe we should give more money to clubs because it’s nice to have a way to express yourself.”
“I know it includes the health center, the rec center. I read through that stuff online. I don’t use those things though. I think it would be awesome if they gave us the option to not pay for it.”
“I understand that sometimes we need to pay for things as it is, we’re a union now. Since we merged with UT Pan Am we have a lot more offered to us but I understand we have to pay more in order to have access to that stuff. I understand that fees go up. As a result, some people are not happy because of the bus situation or that tuition is too high, that’s understandable. But at the same time if we want our school to progress we need to invest more money in it so we can’t always just try to get the free deal of it. Like some people don’t benefit from financial aid due to their parents’ income, it’s fine. There’s scholarships and then we don’t necessarily have to pay back our loans as long as they’re subsidized, the ones that we don’t have to pay until after we graduate. So, I mean, I don’t really have a problem with how it is now.”
“I believe that it should be an option, like if you do feel that you need the medical services or the rec [center], there should be, like, a list and in your ID once you, like, if you go say, ‘OK, she paid for these services,’ because some, like, I have insurance, so I don’t need to be paying those extra fees. But, the gym I do use it, so it should be, like, an option if you want to pay for it. If not,well then you won’t be able to get those services.”
–Complied by Ana Cahuiche and Gabriel Mata