Exercise science senior
“The Summer Olympics should be very interesting to watch because the U.S. always has a good amount of candidates for the gold medal. I’m cheering for the Mexican national team to get gold even though it’s a very difficult task at hand because they haven’t had a good performance in their last competitions, especially the last loss we had here in the U.S., 7-0 loss against Chile. So, hopefully they can give a good performance and come back with a gold medal.”
Business and accounting junior
“Well, I go for USA the running, I guess that’s what I’m more into. I like to see the races and see how much they can endure and the speed they go. It’s amazing how they could be so young and famous. So, that’s what I go for most, running.”

Education junior
“I think the Olympics host great events. I think it brings the world more together because we are all watching that one channel for sport competitions and take pride in our country. My favorite sport to watch is swimming because of Michael Phelps.”

History junior
“Historically, the Olympics come from the Greeks. So the fact that we have been doing this for years is interesting enough. We have moments when World War II was going on and they still had the Olympics. Even though the war was going on, people would actually send athletes to go compete. … It kind of makes people [forget] what is going on in the world. Like right now with the Brazil [Olympics], it is mostly because of the Zika virus that is going on, and I think they found a body a couple of days ago. … They are wasting too much money on construction instead of on what the people need. … Still, I am going to watch some of the events because they are fun to watch. Mostly, I watch the water ones, like swimming and canoeing.”