Vaquero Voice

2 min read
Daniel Oyoque
Theater senior

“Don’t pull all-nighters when you study. Eventually, you get to a point where you are very tired and you aren’t going to learn anything. You’re just going to be going through the motions and you aren’t going to learn a thing, so best to study early and sleep early as well. … I listen to a lot of soft music, but nothing that I know, like low-fi or hip-hop, stuff that doesn’t have lyrics or music that I don’t know because if you listen to something that you know or like, you’re going to end up jamming out instead of studying. So, it’s just something smooth and that helps me out as well.”



Myrsa Perez
Biomedical science freshman


“ I would say to not procrastinate, make sure you do all your readings beforehand. Make sure you understand the material or attempt to understand the material before you get to class. Then, bring questions to class to try to get as much information as possible.”






Carlos Gutierrez
Biomedical science junior

“Yeah, I really do believe in going to sleep early, reading your books and also just not procrastinating. That’s basically the best advice I could give.”








Ibeth Martinez
Accounting junior

“Well, when I study, I usually chew gum and it kind of makes me calm down and take my time studying. Usually, don’t wait till the last day to study before a test. … It still usually happens, but when it does happen, I usually chew gum so I can ease my nerves, and I eat a banana, so I can remember. It’s a little ritual I do before I take the test because that helps me remember.”

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