Vaquero Voice

2 min read
Brenda Sarmiento


“That would be great because there’s no food here. Well, we have the, this cafeteria area, but that’s not that much. And then, I guess McDonald’s, but that’s also kind of far away.”






Oscar Trujillo
Biology junior

“I think it’s a good idea for Pizza Hut to open. I mean, it would add more business to the university and be a good source of funds for the university, which could in turn provide more services for the students, maybe, and jobs as well. And, I think it would be a good option to have more diversity in the Union in terms of food, since right now our options are pretty limited.”





Timothy Trey Martinez
Mechanical engineering sophomore



“Pizza is better on campus because it’s closer. It’s about time we get better food around here and it’s quicker to get to class.”






Yanzel Vanegas
Biology freshman


“I’m all for the Pizza Hut opening up. We’d have more variety rather than just burgers and tacos at the Union. It would probably lower the line at Chick-fil-A, so that’s a thumbs up and more job opportunities, too.”






–Compiled by Robert Benavidez Jr. and Phillip D. Garcia

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