Vaquero Voice

2 min read
Marina Rodriguez
Dance freshman


“I think that’s really cool just because everyone thinks, ‘Oh, I want to get out of the RGV,’ right? It’s really nice, the fact that we’re No. 4 in Texas.”





Raul Balandrano
Communication studies senior

“Personally, I wasn’t aware that it was ranked No. 4 in the state of Texas, but now that I hear that it’s ranked No. 4, it makes me kind of excited to be a UTRGV student. And, I’m kind of proud just to see that we’re ranked No. 4 throughout all the universities and colleges throughout Texas, so it’s awesome to hear that we’re ranked No. 4.”





Brandon Masso

“First of all, that’s pretty crazy. UTRGV being ranked No. 4? That’s a really good thing, because a lot of people, I know for a fact, a lot of people look down around our area because of how close we are to the border. That’s a really good thing that [we’re] No. 4. That means, maybe, people will start looking up to us a little better.”





Yannelli Cortez
Psychology sophomore


“I think it’s pretty awesome, like I came down here thinking it wasn’t going to be all big and everything, but being the fourth, it makes me so proud that we’re on top in the state of Texas.”


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