Vaquero Voice

2 min read
Mia Morales
Mass communication senior

“I think it’s very important to vote because it’s your word and you have the right to vote. I mean, might as well do it. And also, it could help the community out. Some people think it doesn’t, but honestly it does. For example, in like this last election with Donald Trump versus Hillary Clinton, not a lot of people voted. And I thought Hillary was going to win and it ended up that Donald Trump won, so my opinion is go out and vote and do whatever you can to put your word out.”



Christian Julian
Information Systems Senior

“It’s important to vote in my opinion because it gives you a voice. It also gives voice to people that normally don’t have a voice. People that don’t feel like they … don’t have a voice specifically in how elections are or how our laws are made or how laws are put into effect. So, I guess people in lower income areas. And [voting] also gives you a part, or allows you to be part, of the democratic process we have here in America.”




Melissa Botello
Rehabilitation services sophomore

“It’s important to vote because we are the future generation, which means that, like, the decisions that we take right now or that we make, affect us in the future and as well as the ones that are to come after us. And, well, like, with everything going on, it’s important because, like, it affects everyday lives, it affects the rights of many people and it’s just an opportunity that’s given, so why not take it?”




Seth Vargas  
Music performance sophomore

“Absolutely, I think voting is one of the major tenets of our country. People have died for the right to vote. People have fought so hard to make sure everyone has the right to vote. And I think people who don’t vote, honestly, are just kind of giving that up. You know what I mean? I think that it’s important in a democracy, you know? And without a right to vote, we are basically in a dictatorship.”

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