Vaquero Voice

3 min read
Myriam Flores
English junior

“I’m not too familiar with all of the candidates, but the ones that I do recognize are Bernie Sanders and Beto O’Rourke. I think that they’re both very strong candidates. I think that a lot of the propositions that they’ve proposed could do some good to … the country as a whole. I understand that there is a strong opposition towards them, but I just think that those that aren’t in favor of them just need to see the bigger picture because what they have in mind for our future, not only affects this current generation, but future generations as well.”




Jose Pizaña
Biology sophomore

“So far, the candidates who are running for presidency in 2020 are pretty good. I’m not really into politics, but I am familiar with the names that have been coming up. I know, for sure, Joe Biden has been vice president, so he has the most experience, other than President Trump.”






Andrea Ochoa
Estudiante de tercer año en negocios internacionales

“Pues, yo pienso que están haciendo un buen trabajo y creo que, más que nada como hispano, como inmigrante, pienso que Beto O’Rourke está, no se, en la cima de todo porque está dando puntos bien importantes para nosotros, como las personas que tienen DACA y todo eso. Creo que está ganando muy buena audiencia, más que nada en las personas de aquí de la universidad”.






Julian Fernandez
Biology junior

“Well, to start off … I think it’s a great comeback for Beto because even though he lost the senatorial election, I guess he got inspired to do something like this, which is something some people might see as a good thing because there are a lot of people in our country and in the [Rio Grande] Valley that do not like Trump. So, this is something great for, I would say the liberals, because the [Rio Grande] Valley tends to be very democratic. Um, but then there is also the question that, you know, what does that mean for [Beto]? Because, I mean, he lost the election here. So, could he really win the presidential election? Who knows? It just depends on voters.”





–Compiled by Robert Benavidez Jr. and Aaliyah Garza

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