Vaquero Voice

2 min read
Ashley Silva
Manufacturing engineering junior

“Pienso que es importante que tengamos un tiempo para hablar de lo que es la cosa sexual y cómo identificarlo. Y que tengamos un mes designado a eso, facilita, como el diálogo, o sea, crea un espacio, como, seguro para hablar sobre, pues, un tema que es muy difícil como ese, porque es importante saber sobre eso, saber identificarlo, y evitarlo y educarnos al respecto”.




Yoshi Ortiz
Accounting senior

“I think it’s important because, I don’t know where I heard this, but I think there’s a real high percentage that women get sexually assaulted when they’re in college. So, it is really important because people should know that this is not right. It helps people to understand that they have to maybe help these girls … or just to inform the rest of their friends that it’s not right and if you see it, report it.”



Maria Rodriguez
Pre-nursing freshman

“I think that Sexual Assault Awareness Month is important so that everyone knows what’s going on around in the area and just so that everybody’s well educated. Some people might not know about the subject. I think it’s a good way to get the word out.”





Gabriel De La Garza
History senior

“I think that Sexual Assault Awareness Month is very important because, quite unfortunately, across the United States, as we do have a rather increase in sexual violence, sexual assault violence amongst students, if you will. I think that as that increase happens, we need to have an increased awareness. That, hopefully, as we have increase in awareness, and that it does happen, we could have a decrease. And our awareness as students and faculty and staff can help to mitigate such circumstances. That’s why I think it’s very important that we have such a month.”

–Compiled by Robert Benavidez Jr. and Aaliyah Garza

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