Vaquero Voice

Gasper Najera
Marine biology sophomore

“Right now, I’m just looking to get a couple of my classes out of the way, get a little more in my degree field. Right now, I’m just trying to find my way around to see what I’m more into, what I’m more inclined towards. I’m considering taking a couple of art courses, maybe just one, to get a little more involved in the craft rather than just, you know, basic book study.”





Genesis Garcia
Estudiante de ultimo año en ciencias del ejercicio

“De este semestre, espero graduarme, terminar mis tres clases y, pues, pasarlas todas y terminar una internship haciendo 150 horas y guardar dinero trabajando para [mi maestría]”.







Montserrat Ortiz
Interdisciplinary studies junior

“Going home late because I have all late classes. Maybe go to the library more, go to the rec more [and] be more on campus.”








Zach Garcia
English senior

“Yeah so, what I’m expecting from this semester is new friendships, new experiences and just venturing into the unknown, just trying to figure out what I’m supposed to do with my life.”

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