Vaquero Voice

Abril Maria Zepeda
Estudiante de diseño gráfico de primer año

“Yo soy de Reynosa, Tamaulipas y, pues, es una ciudad que es ahorita muy peligrosa y viviendo en estados unidos pues me sentia mas segura. Pero si la gente camina en las calles públicamente portando [manoplas] me siento menos segura, y siento que corro el riesgo de que alguien me ataque”.





Logan Urbina
Biology sophomore

“The one that impacts me the most is the tobacco law. Although, I wouldn’t say it really impacts me but impacts people I know, for sure. The new law basically states that … you have to be 21 to buy tobacco products. But luckily, we looked into it a little bit and if you’re born before September of 2001 you’re grandfathered in so you can still purchase products. So, like I said, it doesn’t really affect me but definitely people I know and generations coming up. It’s going to be different.”





Cristina Nacey
History senior

“The one that impacted me the most, I guess, if you would ask, would be the brass knuckles one. Just because right now violence has occurred a lot all over the nation. … I hope the responsible people are able to get these things. It’s just for self-defense, you know, you just never know nowadays. As far the other ones go, they are just policies that have been implemented just like the last 100 years in institutions and off institutions. So, I hope it’s just for the better for society and everybody as a whole.”




Miguel Chapa
International business senior

“One of the laws that has impacted me and society is that, now, Texas is doing something about the packages being taken from peoples’ homes. I mean, many people are getting their school supplies, personal items, and we’re getting close to holiday season. So now, people are ordering items through online websites and it’s a good idea that the police and Texas itself is doing something about it. They are punishing thieves that are stealing the belongings of other people.”

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