Vaquero Voice

Jacob Ramirez
Psychology junior

“I feel like increasing voter registration is extremely important, and I think the best way to do it is to have events such as the one they are having today on National Voter Registration Day, where we get together a couple of different organizations such as Student Activities and Civic Engagement Alliance, and just engage students to come and vote, well, to register to vote, inform them about when it is when they can vote once they are registered.”





Keila Rodriguez
English junior

“Here in school, I guess just make it more accessible. Maybe starting with the freshmen coming in. Make it more accessible to where more freshmen, not necessarily [just] freshmen, but more students hang out. So maybe like Student Union, when we’re registering for classes. I know, recently, right now in some of my courses there’s been some representatives going into class and asking if we’re voting registered. I like that, maybe continue to do that. Maybe not necessarily out and about, especially in, like, time reference, but inside classrooms, staying in areas where there’s more people hanging out and the time frame is not as limited.”



Carlos Lopez III
Mechanical engineering sophomore

“Honestly, I really don’t know because, I mean, even for me to get to it, my mom had to get me into it. So, I guess, maybe add an incentive. That would probably make a lot more people go into it. Maybe, a bracelet or something like that, you know what I mean? Something small. That could probably help increase it. … Maybe advertise it a lot more, like in the newspaper, like in The Rider. That’d probably work a lot, too. A lot of people read that. I read that, so that would probably help.”




Alexandra Smith
Estudiante de tercer año en ciencias políticas

“Si no sabes si estás registrado para votar es tan simple como venir, checar si estás registrado para votar. Si no estás registrado para votar, literalmente son cinco minutos.Es una aplicación super corta que te pregunta cosas básicas. Nada más necesitas tu número de seguro social o tu licencia de manejo y después de eso realmente es nada más hablar con tus amigos, decirles lo importante que es registrarte para votar porque nosotros diciendo quienes son los que queremos que nos representen hace realmente un cambio enorme en como nuestro país es manejado”.

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