Vaquero Voice

Sabrina Zapata
Management junior

“I mean, I have signed up for some classes, but I haven’t really finished registering. I would give people advice on just registering for all the classes that you do need at once. Because, usually, the days that you do try to register and the times that you are trying to get, get taken up. So, just try to do everything at once. Make a schedule all at once so you don’t have to be worrying about it the last minute when everything is taken and you don’t have the classes that you need to be taking.”





Andrea Medrano

“I think [students] have to take into consideration their major so they won’t take an extra class they really don’t need. … I, personally, like to take time with that, with my schedule and stuff, because I need to be prepared for the future and I don’t want to schedule it right now. I prefer to wait a bit.”





Jorge Garduño
Estudiante de tercer año en ciencias de laboratorio clínico

“Sí, sí me he registrado y en especial les recomiendo que lo hagan lo más pronto posible. Es muy importante que se registren lo más pronto posible porque mientras más pronto tengan esas clases, mucho mejor para ustedes. Así que cualquier clase que necesiten tomar para su carrera o su futuro, háganlo. Lo más pronto posible háganlo. Por favor, créanme. Se lo que les estoy diciendo”.






Santos Ramirez
Political science junior

“People should register fast because classes do get filled up. … There’s a lot of classes, but for the political science majors, there’s not enough classes. They’re all in the fall, but there’s enough.”

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