Vaquero Voice

Angie Gonzalez
Mass communication freshman

“Yes, actually, I have been friendzoned quite a bit but how I got out of that recently is I kind of ignored her for a little bit, instead of always text messaging her and stuff like that. I just kind of gave her some space and then after that she started texting me back and was like, ‘Oh, I miss you,’ as kind of playing hard to get but not really. I don’t know how to explain it. I’m just bad at dating.”

Jay Turano
Kinesiology freshman


“I’ve been friendzoned, though the tips I would give to get out of [it] is persistence. … Keep pursuing it and, like, if she keeps, like, dodging you then, like, let it go but I mean being persistent. Doing little things that you know that can make a difference, but nothing crazy. Like I said, don’t keep pursuing if she is obviously not interested. But I actually have a girlfriend now, so just keep, you know, being persistent.”

Andrés Mendoza
Estudiante de último año en biología

“Bueno, la verdad no he tenido ese problema yo personalmente, pero si he tenido varios amigos que han tenido [ese problema]. Pero casi todos [mis amigos] siempre se tardan un rato pero al último, salen con la chava. Entonces, yo digo que nadamas que todo a su tiempo y si es, es y si no, no. … Nadamas tener paciencia … porque al final si te desesperas mucho a lo mejor se te va la muchacha, ¿verdad?”

Angelica Gallegos
Computer science freshman

“I have not. … Honestly, don’t think about it too much and I think what guys should do more is stop focusing on love and start focusing on yourself. … I feel like guys always act like love is your only purpose in life and they are always like, you know, hitting up the girls in the DMs. And they are always … being persistent like, ‘Oh, can we go out?’ and this and that and, you know, when girls reject them, they act like it’s the end of the world and get all sad and it makes me feel bad. … What I suggest is if you’re going through that, going through the friendzone, start thinking about something else. Start focusing on yourself, get a hobby, play video games, focus on school or something like that.”    

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