Vaquero Voice

Victoria Martinez
Psychology junior

“I find it kind of awkward because when all of my friends are actually having their Spring Break, and they’re coming down from their actual universities, I am already in school. And also, it’s a real push when it comes to midterms. So, I have to study for my midterms ahead of others. Or, while everyone is at Spring Break at the beach doing their thing, I am either taking my midterm or I am already preparing for my final exams.”     




Daniel Reyes Jr.
Biology sophomore

“I honestly do not like that. … Well, it’s different because I live in this area compared to other people who are coming from other colleges. So, it’s always good to have [college students] at the same pace, at the same rate. Whereas we’d have to schedule different things, like if I’m going to have to go somewhere else, well then, I am going to have to budget it in between those [times]. Because I have siblings who go to other schools, so in order to make anything happen within those times, it kind of throws it off because I am before and they are after [my Spring Break] and when they are after, I am already back in school, doing the Monday-through-Friday grind.”

Caleb Carcedo 
Kinesiology sophomore

“Doesn’t help, ’cause I have family who like to come down during Spring Break, so it kind of sucks ’cause my family is here while I’m at school. When on Spring Break, there’s nobody there and then when they are in Spring Break, I’m at school, so it’s kind of, like, inconvenient for me.”





Kimberly Cervantes
English senior

“In recent years, it’s has kinda been a problem since my sister goes to another university and her Spring Break is either a week later or a week before. So, since she lives in another city, we would usually try to have some family time, like, on the same Spring Break, but since when she’s down, I have school and then when I have school, she’s back in school. So, it doesn’t really work out.” 

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