Vaquero Voice

Melanie Oetjens
Biology senior

“I have taken summer classes since I’m majoring in biology. I have taken a lot of science classes, so I think the benefits is that it goes by quicker. It helps a lot of students learn the stuff way faster than during the school year. The non-benefits of it is that since it’s so fast-paced it’s about more studying. I think it’s a lot more independent work versus it being during the school year where you have more help with tutors and stuff.”




James Cua
Engineering technology sophomore

“I actually just registered for summer classes. So, this is going to be my first semester doing it, or first year. I think it’s beneficial because you are going to finish quicker. Maybe [turn] a four-year degree into, maybe, two and a half, you know.”





Miguel Saenz
Estudiante de tercer año en comunicación

“Personalmente no he tomado clases en el verano pero tengo muchos amigos que sí lo han tomado y yo siempre lo recomiendo … dependiendo de lo que quieras estudiar. Por ejemplo, yo … cambié de carrera tres veces y en ese tiempo a lo mejor lo puedes tomar para poder explorar cuáles clases quieres tomar. Por ejemplo, si no te gusta lo que estás haciendo puedes tomar ese tiempo para ver qué quieres hacer”.



Ianelly Garza

“Well I haven’t [registered for summer courses]. I want to, but I think the benefits are that you finish faster. … You get to meet more people. … I recommend [students] should do it. I think it would be really beneficial in my opinion.”

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