Clinical rehabilitation counseling graduate student
“I pretty much went, I think, on Saturday morning grocery shopping and it was very hectic. People are obviously panic buying. [I] didn’t really get much of the items that are on high demand right now. So, it’s just been very stressful and frustrating for my family.”

Sociology junior
“I haven’t gone grocery shopping fully for stuff. I did go to H-E-B yesterday and people were emptying out the shelves. It’s kind of hectic. It’s kind of crazy. I understand the panic, but then it’s like, I don’t think we’re going to run out of food. When you are not aware of what’s going on, it’s kind of scary. I believe social media makes it worse on people because during the day I’m fine and I end up going home and I see people panicking at H-E-B or Walmart, and then I panic.”

Rehabilitation services senior
“Yeah, actually, I have been grocery shopping. I go with my parents. The stores are really crowded, the shelves are mostly empty, but I know that they are working to have them restocked every day. So, that’s pretty good. When I go, I don’t really buy a lot of stuff, I just buy the stuff that I need for the day and I’ve been pretty successful at that. … I’ve seen a lot of older people having to look for toilet paper and they shouldn’t need to be doing that. People shouldn’t be overstocking on stuff that they don’t need. … Like, what the heck? Why do you need so much toilet paper?”

Mechanical engineering junior
“It was really chaotic because all the stores, they ran out of everything, out of water. Actually, three days ago I wanted to. I ran out of water in my apartment and I went to Walmart just to get a case for myself and there was none. My dad came back from Dallas and he had to stop on the way, on one of the truck stop stations to get a case of water; he [actually got] two. So, yeah, there’s nothing at the stores right now.”