Q: How are you going to prepare for the upcoming semester?
A: “I would say take less time. Hang out with friends, because I do that a lot. I procrastinate a lot, also. Probably take some time off of work too because I am a full-time student, so.”
Q: Do you have any goals for the fall?
A: “Hopefully graduate by then. I’m going to try to take as many classes by then and then graduate and get them out of the way.”
Q: Do you have any tips for studying or time management?
A: “I am horrible at studying. All I can say is the things you enjoy, try to. I know it sounds bad, but take time to go away from it because it does take a lot of your time.”
Q: What advice would you give the incoming first-year students?
A: “Try to make friends. Don’t be afraid to ask questions. Professors are extremely nice.”
Q: How are you going to prepare for the upcoming semester?
A: “I have two jobs, another daughter on the way and I have a lot of classes. So, I don’t really know. I’m just gonna, kind of, wing it and hope for the best. That’s my method. There’s no real prep involved.”
Q: Do you have any studying tips you would like to share?
A: “I have a lot of textbooks. Anytime a professor, you know, recommends a textbook, I buy that. I buy old editions. They’re cheaper and I just go through them over and over because, you know, if the lecture misses something I can pick it up in the book.”
Q: What are your goals for the fall semester?
A: “Get all A’s, I guess, and then, so I can get my GPA up a little bit. That’s about it.”
Q: What advice would you give the incoming first-year students?
A: “Pick a major and stick with it. Don’t change a bunch of times because I changed too many times, and now I’m an old man. Just stick with one thing and just finish it because it’ll pay off more, probably.”
Q: How are you going to prepare for the upcoming semester?
A: “For one, I think I’m going to focus more on … being, like, more productive.”
Q: Do you have any studying tips you can share?
A: “ One big study tip I have, actually it took me a while to figure out, but it’s using your laptop instead of notes. I find that more productive. Quizlet and Google Docs is a good source to use.”
Q: Any tips for time management?
A: “I suppose just using those [Pomodoro Timers]. It [gives] you intermedial times so you use a short study break in between.”
Q: What advice would you give the incoming first-year students?
A: “I say be involved as much as you can. There’s a lot of school events that you can participate in and work on campus as well. It’s a great thing to do.”
Q: How are you going to prepare for the upcoming semester?
A: “Just going to study hard. Focus on my grades, my classes and that’s about it, really.”
Q: What do you think studying or time management is going to look like for you?
A: “It’s going to play a big factor in my life, for sure. Definitely don’t want to get any bad grades, so my time management is going to be a little hectic in some ways.”
Q: What are your goals?
A: “Honestly, since I’m an incoming freshman, it’s just to, honestly, pass, but at the same time, also have fun.”
Q: What are you looking forward to in the next four years?
A: “What I’m looking forward to is just having a fun time overall. What I’ve heard is that college is a great experience, so that’s why. Not only did I decide to just come to college but also for the experience, honestly, overall.”
Q: ¿Cómo te vas a preparar para este ciclo escolar?
A: “Quiero estudiar más, prepararme y poner más enfoque en mi misma y creer más en mi”.
Q: ¿Alguna meta para este semestre?
A: “Subir más los grados, ser más amigable y hacer más amigas en total”.
Q: ¿Qué es lo que más esperas en este semestre?
A: “Quiero crecer más y encontrarme a mí misma y saber qué hacer”.
–Compiled by Abigail Ollave
–Photos by Fatima Gamez Lopez