Q: What topics do you wish you could learn about in college?

english junior
“I would like to learn [more] about creative writing, publishing and, I guess, art in general. More art.”
“I would say how to manage time for your classes and your assignments, ’cause I’m actually having that issue right now. So, I wish there [could] be, like, some sort of, like, course that would teach you guys how to better prepare yourself and … I guess, release your stress so that you could function properly and not, you know, go crazy.”

biology junior

estudiante de primer año de biología
“Pues a mí me gustaría aprender sobre todo sobre las ciencias porque mi carrera es sobre medicina. Entonces, me gustaría saber todo lo que tenga que ver con el cuerpo humano y, pues, ciencias en sí”.
“Probably about, like, the cultures that are here at the university, of other people. It would be nice to learn about the diversity here at the university. Pretty cool.”

–Compiled by Abigail Ollave
–Photos by Fatima Gamez Lopez