studio art senior
“I think it’s very unprofessional the way it is. A lot of the ceilings have nails sticking out. The restroom’s plumbing is bad and there’s usually no toilet paper or toiletries. So, I would have to take that out of my pocket to have that, when I should be focusing on art supplies, not toilet paper. ”
“I’ve heard from my friends, personally, that the conditions are terrible. The restrooms, I’ve gone in there personally. I’ve gone with my friends and they don’t have toilet paper. The mirrors are broken, the toilet seats are beyond, like, that’s not an acceptable toilet seat. … Nobody should be forced to go into those restrooms. ”

environmental science junior

computer science junior
“It’s not in a very good condition that I can say. I’ve heard there’s, like, rats biting into the walls. … It’s not a good condition for students, especially those who are pursuing those types of careers and want to spend their time [in] the art major building. For sure, it’s something that they should focus more on.”
“I feel that the building speaks for itself. I mean, like, people who I’ve brought into the studio, you know, friends of mine who don’t go to school here or past art teachers, I mean, they’ve seen the building grow throughout the ages, and … everybody that I bring always tells me, like, you know, it hasn’t changed. It’s still the same old, same old. And the new people that I do bring [kind of] say it’s a little bit dingy, you know. They see the rats that crawl over the ceilings, especially in the ceramics room. This is where all the action happens. So, yeah, I feel like the building very much speaks [for] itself, sadly.”

studio art senior

estudiante de ultimo ano de tecnología de ingeniería
“La verdad, se encuentra un poco descuidado, y que podría estar quizás en mejores condiciones.”