criminal justice freshman
“A piece of advice would probably be, no matter how hard it gets, to just keep going and push through it, ’cause no matter what, you’re gonna finish and once you finish, you’re gonna be happy with what you did. And even if you didn’t, like, make some of your goals come true … you’re still gonna be happy that you did finish your school. So, that’s probably one piece of advice that did stick with me a lot.”
“I think it’s to, like, let go of the people that don’t demonstrate that they love you and they care for you, ’cause then it’s not worth, like, giving the attention ’cause they don’t give it back. So, I guess that’s something that I live by, like, if it’s not good for me or, like, they don’t show me, like, speaking with, like, a person, then I don’t want them.”

English junior

engineering freshman
“My grandpa told me that, what’s it called, like, it’s always, like, you can always right a tree if it’s growing to the side by helping it out and letting it grow up. So I guess people can always change and you can always help them change to be better. That’s one.”
“Lo que más me ha servido durante este tiempo que he estado aquí … es como ser paciente y estar abierto a nuevas ideas [y] a nuevas perspectivas. No solo de los estudiantes o los maestros si no en general de todo, y eso más que nada me ha ayudado … a trabajar de una forma más eficiente”.

estudiante de segundo año de ciencias de la salud integrada
–Compiled by Abigail Ollave
–Photos by Fatima Gamez Lopez