communication studies
“I think if I could be reincarnated as a person it would be Betty White. … She was around for a really long time. She actually was around before sliced bread. She had a really big impact. She got to see all these famous artists, [and] she got to see all these historical events. … #GoldenGirls. #BettyWhite. #Iloveher. … She lived a good life, like, almost a hundred years.”
“I would reincarnate myself as [Canadian bodybuilder] Chris Bumstead—just to get his genetics.”

mechanical engineering sophomore
“I would reincarnate as Albert Einstein because he was a well-known physicist and he came up with a lot of theories and undeveloped theories. So, I would reincarnate as him to finish his work.”

electrical engineering

computer engineering sophomore
“If I could reincarnate into anything that I would’ve wanted, I honestly and truthfully would say that I would just choose myself because there’s no one better. Or, in my opinion, there’s no one better than yourself because you hold your own values. … So, that’s what I’d like to continue doing, right? … I would keep the same attributes, same things, because that’s what I believe. And, if I was reincarnated into someone else, I would have their attributes, their beliefs and their different systems.”
“Me gustaría ser un lobo porque los lobos no trabajan en el circo y no me gustaría ser domado por nadie”.

estudiante de segundo año de ingeniería mecánica
–Compiled by Landon Burns and Fatima Gamez Lopez
–Photos by Landon Burns