Q: How can you show kindness today?

integrated health science junior
“You can show kindness through basically anything. But, usually what I do to show kindness, is words of encouragement and, though somebody is not being nice to you … you never know what they are going through. ”
“Maybe, like, complimenting someone, saying like, ‘I like your shirt.’”

biomedical sciences freshman

computer science freshman
“Just asking people how they feel. How they are doing, giving them a good smile and just [be] like, ‘Hey, hello.’”
“Well, for me, I usually work there at the butterfly garden, so just checking up on the plants and the animals. Simply just leaving some water behind for the bees or whatever it may be. Even that, it might go a long way.”

environmental science senior

estudiante de primer año de trabajo social
“Ayudando a un desconocido. Cómo abriendo la puerta, o alguien en tu clase si están perdidos o algo así”.
–Compiled and photos by Roxanna Miranda