Q: What is your opinion on thrift shopping?

A: “I love thrift shopping. My whole closet, other than, like, clothes that I get from work, or for specifically, like, something, is from the thrift store. My fashion sense is very weird and it changes so frequently that the thrift store is so convenient, you know, and so cheap. I love it.”
A: “I think thrift shopping is pretty cool and especially when you find, like, old stuff, like Jordans, game systems. I think it’s pretty cool. And then, you could, some people, like on YouTube, would love to, like, buy old Air Jordans they find at thrift stores and then they’ll clean them up, repurpose them and then they’ll, like, resell them for, like, 300 bucks. And then, they buy them for $20 at the thrift store. So, I think it’s pretty cool, you know? You donate, people buy it, people reuse it. It’s a good way to recycle, keep the planet green and all that fun stuff.”

Kinesiology Freshman

Spanish Senior
A: “I’ve gone once. I went to the [Goodwill] here. The only [Goodwill] here. The [Goodwill] nearby and I didn’t find anything good. Just saw a bunch of, like, old clothes and used, you know, used stuff. … I didn’t find any good stuff. That’s it, yeah.”
A: “I think it’s great. I love it. You find really good deals and vintage stuff. So, yeah, I think it’s pretty good.”

Biomedical Sciences Sophomore