Vaquero Voice: What does your perfect day look like?

Orlando Castaño
music education freshman

“A perfect day to me would probably be spending all day here in the practice rooms, just making music and hanging out with my friends.”

When I don’t have any homework, like left over, and I have everything done, I can just go outside and get a little breath of air, and get ready for the next week. That’s like my perfect day.”

Ricardo Rios
business freshman
Jerry Villarreal
multidisciplinary studies freshman

“My perfect day, probably just be like being at home, watching movies and playing video games.”

“Well, my perfect day is that professors are, like, “Hey, I’m going to cancel class today.” Awesome, great. I get to relax at home, maybe catch up on a few TV shows, listen to music, you know. I feel like that would be a really good day. Just because a lot of my days are filled with student org activities, classes and work.”

Ana Rosario
marketing senior

–Compiled and photos by Daniela Martinez Salazar

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