mathematics senior
“Some advice I’d give for people going into finals would be: eat some good breakfast and hold yourself accountable. Don’t play games.”
“Don’t procrastinate. Do not procrastinate because I always do better in my finals when I study ahead of time, so that’s the advice I would give.”

computer engineering senior

mechanical engineering freshman
“Get sleep, that’s basically it. You can study as hard as you want, but if you are knocking out during your test that is not good.”
“The biggest thing is don’t procrastinate, even when you are like, ‘Uh I don’t want to get it done.’ It’s gonna feel a lot worse on you if you just wait until the last minute, so just make it a whole day, get some snacks, put on some mood lighting and then just lock in.”

theatre sophomore

biology junior
“For finals, what I like to do is to make a brand new notepad or note file and I look back at whatever notes I did beforehand, and look [at] PowerPoints, and hopefully the teacher has, like, a guide. I would look at what they are asking for on the guide and write it down, look back at PowerPoints to find that information and put it in the brand new piece of paper.”
–Compiled and photos by Aura Velasquez and Daniela Martinez Salazar