When to Take a Break

In the bustle of our daily lives, it sounds absurd to sit down and just give yourself a minute to breathe. You somehow are able to convince yourself that rest comes naturally in the midst of daily assignments, reading, tests, work, and any other things life throws at you. The hardest part about taking a break is letting your mind truly believe it needs a break.

Let me give you a word of advice if you are three hours into your studying, and suddenly, you find yourself forgetting the last sentence you read, it is time to take a break. More than anything, if you are questioning whether you need a break or not, you probably do. As college students, we have to remember that our education is worth as much as we put into it, and that goes for all the things it takes to achieve an education. So, when it comes to learning, remember that your body and mind work like machines; without the correct mechanics, they will fail.

Studies have shown that frequent breaks do increase productivity. For instance, the Pomodoro Technique is a method in which a person works for 25 minutes and follows that session with a 5 minute break. At the end of two hours, the person will then take a 15 minute break and then may return back to the original pattern

So yes, your world may be hustling and bustling, and no deadlines do not stop coming, but the feeling of being overwhelmed can. It is time to find what works for you. Whether it is listening to that one of your favorite songs, curling up with your guilty pleasure movie and favorite snack, taking a stroll in your favorite store, or even a small little yoga session, it is time for you to know when and how to take a break. Even better, take reading this blog as a sign to do just that.

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